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   Happy New Year 2025
On the occasion of the New Year 2025, I extend to you and your family our warmest greetings and wish you a happy New Year, great success in your career, happiness in your family, and perfect health and lasting prosperity.

Mr. Veerasith Sinchareonkul
The Thai Rubber Association

主席观点   December  2024     
[   November  2020 ]
icon Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP)
The Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) is a free trade agreement between ASEAN and five Asia-Pacific nations of Australia, China, Japan, Korea, and New Zealand. Together, these RCEP participating countries account for about 30% of the global gross domestic product (GDP) and 30% of the world’s population (2,252 million people). The RCEP Agreement has 4 significant features as followed; 1) Modern: to improve the scope of the former free ...
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[   October  2020 ]
icon Thailand-Indonesia-Malaysia Cooperation on Rubber
Recently, the rubber situation tends to slow down in line with global economic growth. The Covid-19 pandemic severely affects the global economy and rubber demand by affecting supply chains and market disruption. Besides, crude oil prices were in a downtrend following the decreasing demand, especially the demand from China. Furthermore, the strengthening baht resulted in high Thailand’s rubber prices comparing with competitive countries. However, many...
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[   September  2020 ]
icon Big Data & Data Analytics
In the modern economy, information is an asset of great importance and has various benefits. Big Data and Data Analytics are considered as the significant power to drive the government sector and private sector as well as to develop the economy and society with sustainability. Digital Technology has played a huge role in the development of country, such as Thailand 4.0 and Digital Economy or Digital Thailand. In terms of Big Data, it is large and compli...
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[   August  2020 ]
icon Indonesia-Malaysia-Thailand Growth Triangle (IMT-GT) Cooperation
The Indonesia-Malaysia-Thailand Growth Triangle (IMT-GT) sub-regional economic cooperation was initiative formed in 1993 by the governments of Indonesia, Malaysia, and Thailand. The goal of IMT-GT is to push the private sector of the member states to be leaders of trading and investment leading to economic growth and to support regional economic development by exploiting their economic advantages due to the similarity in geography, environment, religio...
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[   July  2020 ]
icon Bio-Circular-Green Economy Model (BCG Model)
The holistic economic development or Bio-Circular-Green Economy Model (BCG Model) is the new economic development model for sustainable development and applies knowledge, administration, science, and technology in its concept, which is aimed at building economic strengths. It is bringing value from biodiversity and culture to converts into economic value. Furthermore, it is using the complete agricultural yield to change the consumption and production s...
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The Thai Rubber Association 45, 47 Chotevittayakul 3 Road, Hatyai Songkhla 90110 Thailand
TEL. 074-429011-2 , 074-429311 FAX. 074-429312 E-MAIL: tra@thairubber.org


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