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สาส์นจากนายกสมาคม TRA PRESIDENT VIEW
   Happy New Year 2025
On the occasion of the New Year 2025, I extend to you and your family our warmest greetings and wish you a happy New Year, great success in your career, happiness in your family, and perfect health and lasting prosperity.

Mr. Veerasith Sinchareonkul
The Thai Rubber Association

Monthly of   December  2024     
[   January  2020 ]
icon Chinese Market
China-Thai relations have been good for decades in various aspects: trade, investment, and tourism. Especially, the natural rubber exports from Thailand to China continually expand. China is by far the largest consumer of natural rubber worldwide and most world tire production, so China's market is an important market to show a market sign of natural rubber demand each year. China’s economic direction is one of the factors which directly affect natural rub...
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[   December  2019 ]
icon Rubber Scenario in 2020
In 2020, the global economy tends to grow more positively as compared to 2019. International Monetary Fund (IMF) has projected the global economic growth rate as 3.4% in 2020. Meanwhile, Thai Government has rolled out the economic stimulus measures to establish economic strengths both in domestic and foreign countries. One of the most important measures is the investment in the Eastern Economic Corridor (EEC), which needs clarity as well as a continuati...
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[   November  2019 ]
icon The Fundamental Factors of Rubber Market
Thailand’s rubber market begins when farmers harvest latex, ribbed smoked sheet (RSS), cup lump rubber, and smoked sheet cutting. Then, these yields are sold through small, middle, large middleman or rubber cooperative to sell raw materials to the upstream rubber factories, such as latex factory, RSS factory, STR factory, rubber compound factory, mixtures rubber factory, etc. After that, it is distributed to domestic rubber-based products manufacturers and...
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[   October  2019 ]
icon The Association of Natural Rubber Producing Countries (ANRPC) Conference

One of the important roles of the Thai Rubber Association (TRA) is participating in academic conferences both in Thailand and international countries. This is to bring the technical knowledge together with the fresh information and news based on rubber to the Thai Rubber Association’s members. In 2019, Ms.Piyaporn Saelim, TRA Manager, was the de...

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[   September  2019 ]
icon Sustainable Forest Management Standards

Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) is a non-profit organization established to promote and set standards to make sure that forestry is practiced in an environmentally responsible and socially beneficial manner. The FSC certification is used to certify that the plantation is forest management, and the timber-based products are harvested from forest m...

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The Thai Rubber Association 45, 47 Chotevittayakul 3 Road, Hatyai Songkhla 90110 Thailand
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